Wednesday, May 4, 2016

PE Reflection

早くですね。もうすく終わりました!この席はとても忙しいですから、PE のゴルは高すぎました。

Because I did gain a genuine interest and appreciation for Japanese music and shows, though, I managed to still integrate the language into my life without having to give up too much time. Instead of watching an American tv show to rest (which was very infrequent anyways), I would just try and watch a new anime. 

I am happy with the progress I made with casual conversation, much of which I think was due to contributions from many PE casual conversation sessions as well as watching Japanese shows. 

One thing that I should have worked more on, though, was the number of PE submissions I did every week. Because I never remembered to start on the PE homework early enough,  I never had the time to do more than one or two PE exercises. Anime shadowing was difficult and time-consuming, but it was very rewarding. 

Monday, May 2, 2016


ブログのトピックは何でもいいですが、アイディアがない人は下のトピックはどうですか? 大学を卒業したら、仕事したいです。 同時に, 環境を助けたいです。そして、うちでたくさん緑木があるつもりです。いつか日本も行きたいですから、日本語を勉強しなげればなりません。便利な仕事ができるように、コンピュータ科学を勉強します。